
Friday, March 9, 2012

2nd night of leftovers

As long as I'm doing leftovers let me tell you about what I made last night.

I had leftover Asparagus from grilling verge's out and chicken sausages. 
I also had about 1/4 c of creamed spinach that needed to be eaten or thrown away and a 
thyme mushroom and ricotta cheese blend that I used when 
I "attempted" to make my own ravioli. 

I took the asparagus and chicken sausages and whipped up 4 eggs and 
milk and made a crustless quiche, (sprinkled some cheese on top of course).
And with the spinach and mushroom thing I made crustless quiche also with 2 eggs, 
except I didn't have as much of that so I put that in 4 small ramekins. 
It turned out really good, I was surprised 

I just love taking things that are in the fridge and making something yummy out of them. 
You can also do the same concept with leftovers making a shepherds pie or pot pie.

All you have to do is take your leftover roast, carrots and potatoes. Or your chicken peas and 
gravy and put in in either a pie pan with no pie crust or inside a pie crust and then top with mash potatoes or dollop the easy box biscuits on top and bake. 

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